Monday, May 13, 2019
Friday, May 3, 2019
Families, I am my doing my best to keep everyone updated on all our awesome. In the midst of field trip planning and end of the year stuff and our amazing Ecoschoolhouse project, I may miss something! Please don’t hesitate to ask about anything.
ESD: Our projects are really taking shape now. Most of our math work, some of our reading, and all of our science and writing is integrated into this work. Our math focus has been on geometry, multiplying decimals, solving multistep problems within our projects. Next week, we will likely finish laying our 100 chart patio, refurbishing the stream table, set up the sundial structure, and almost finishing the water feature. We are about 30% finished with our sights set on the Open House on May 20! THank you all who have donated time and money. If you have any powers over the weather…
MO Organism Calendar: We are making a F’ake Gnu (Fake News) Missouri Organism Calendar. Each student is creating a slide and art project about a real MO Organism and a Fake Mo Organism. Each month, readers will have to decide, is the organism fake or real. This work has been super fantastic and we are excited about our final product. This is intended to be a fun way to talk about misleading information in this world of Fake News.
SS: This week we spent a few days covering many major Westward Expansion events. Then we moved on to Civil War, starting with a background in Slavery in America. The Civil War will be our SS focus the rest of the year. This will include class lessons and the really special Civil War Day. The assessment for this unit is each student will draft an authentic Civil War journal letter. There is more information on Civil War Day in the Friday Folder.
Assessments: I am behind on assessing some fantastic student work in each subject. Our work is so fantastic because we conference and I use formative assessment to help kids do their best. It is the final grading piece I am behind on. My plan is to go over all the work this weekend and then also conference with students on the work before sending it home. In terms of district assessments, we will have the STAR reading and STAR math test at the end of May. I will let you know dates for these and any other district assessments we may take.
MAY 9: FUNESTA 5:00-7:00
MAY 20:5th Grade Community Project Reveal
MAY 21 (tentative): Shakespeare's field trip (Read a Thon award)
MAY 22: Graduation
MAY 23: 5th Grade Field Day/End of Year Party
MAY 24: Grant School Field Day
MAY 28: Last Day of School
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Monday, April 22, 2019
We finished the MAP test last week! Yay! Students were very diligent and did their best. We celebrated Friday with a little bit of "down" time and relaxed learning. Now, we have turned a corner to the last 26 days of 5th grade! So much of our time will be working on integrated work for our Ecoschoolhouse Design project. Also, we will focus on integrated social studies and health. There will be the all day field trips and also end of the year assessments in some subjects. I am doing my best to outline these last days and have shared a rough outline of our focus below.
Ecoschoolhouse Design project: This has been the most amazing comprehensive project I have worked on and it is turning out to be an incredible life experience too. We have been humbled by gracious donations of materials and funds. Students have been motivated and are working hard to plan our Open House on May 20. Not only has our project involved purposeful learning, it is also providing opportunities to work together and highlight community. I think everyone will be very impressed with our final project, we are impressing ourselves daily! Below is a current list of the materials and resources we are looking for in case anyone has something laying around!
Book Shares/Hannibal: Book Shares are due in 1 week. During reading, we are focusing on social studies, but I am still conferencing with students on their book shares. If I have a concern about your child finishing, I will contact you and we can make a plan. For Hannibal, there was a letter in the Friday Folder mentioning chaperoning. If you need a digital or new copy, let me know.
Kindness Week: We will be celebrating kindness all week. There is a kindness theme to our morning mindfulness time. We have a kindness theme every day and some Kindness Challenges throughout the week.
Evening of the Arts: Please come and enjoy this traditional, creative, fun night at Grant from 6:00-8:00 pm.
Schedule of focus for the next month. Please understand this is only for academics and does include all special events. Of course, as I schedule assessments and things I will have to revise some of this plan. However, this will be our main focus through May. If you have any questions, let me know.

Ecoschoolhouse Design project: This has been the most amazing comprehensive project I have worked on and it is turning out to be an incredible life experience too. We have been humbled by gracious donations of materials and funds. Students have been motivated and are working hard to plan our Open House on May 20. Not only has our project involved purposeful learning, it is also providing opportunities to work together and highlight community. I think everyone will be very impressed with our final project, we are impressing ourselves daily! Below is a current list of the materials and resources we are looking for in case anyone has something laying around!
- exterior paint
- paint brushes, trays, supplies etc...
- 2 treated 4x4x12
- 2 treated 2x4x8
- 8” x 4 ft pvc pipe
- old tarps
- 2 bags cement mix
- 1.4 ton sand
Book Shares/Hannibal: Book Shares are due in 1 week. During reading, we are focusing on social studies, but I am still conferencing with students on their book shares. If I have a concern about your child finishing, I will contact you and we can make a plan. For Hannibal, there was a letter in the Friday Folder mentioning chaperoning. If you need a digital or new copy, let me know.
Kindness Week: We will be celebrating kindness all week. There is a kindness theme to our morning mindfulness time. We have a kindness theme every day and some Kindness Challenges throughout the week.
Evening of the Arts: Please come and enjoy this traditional, creative, fun night at Grant from 6:00-8:00 pm.
Schedule of focus for the next month. Please understand this is only for academics and does include all special events. Of course, as I schedule assessments and things I will have to revise some of this plan. However, this will be our main focus through May. If you have any questions, let me know.
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5/ 6-5/10
Monday, April 8, 2019
Friday, April 5, 2019
Families, this was an excellent week back from break. We have been doing well with a few new routines. For instance, we are reading nonfiction about the American Revolution during reading, we are practicing MAP testing on the computer and on paper, and we are doing most of our learning through the context of our Ecoschoolhouse Design project. I have been truly impressed with this class all year and this week was good example of their hard work, flexibility, and creativity.
A few important notices:
1. Check out our video proposal/invitation for the ESD project if you haven't yet:
2. MAP testing starts next week. Research shows kids do better on assessments when they are well rested and have a healthy breakfast. The testing dates are posted on the blog IMPORTANT EVENTS. Thanks for all you do to help kids do their best. If anyone wants to supply a healthy MAP snack, easily packaged to hand out, feel free to send something in.

A few important notices:
1. Check out our video proposal/invitation for the ESD project if you haven't yet:
2. MAP testing starts next week. Research shows kids do better on assessments when they are well rested and have a healthy breakfast. The testing dates are posted on the blog IMPORTANT EVENTS. Thanks for all you do to help kids do their best. If anyone wants to supply a healthy MAP snack, easily packaged to hand out, feel free to send something in.
Showcase of Talent auditions will be
held next week on various days before-, after-school and at lunch recess,
4/8-12. Talent may include gymnastics, singing, dancing, athletic skills,
poetry, instruments, magic, ETC. for a 2-3 minute act. We have discussed
this in all music classes and have begun signing up for auditions. If
your child needs help signing up for an audition or if you have any questions,email Pam Sisson, Grant music
4. HANNIBAL: There is a parent letter in the Friday Folder describing bus options for this yearly trip. Almost everyone has made their 10 book shares (or more)!
4. HANNIBAL: There is a parent letter in the Friday Folder describing bus options for this yearly trip. Almost everyone has made their 10 book shares (or more)!
SCIENCE: We will focus on the MAP test next week and will likely do some ESD planning and work.
MATH: We will practice the MAP math test next week and have lessons reviewing material for MAP testing.
READING: We will practice the ELA MAP test, continue reading nonfiction and ESD research.
WRITING: We will practice the ELA MAP test, and continue journaling about our ESD project.
SS: We will continue to learn about the American Revolution, specifically the Declaration of Independence, and how the colonists won the war.
Below are some funny team building activity pics and Minecraft book share pics.
Friday, March 15, 2019
This newsletter opens with a look at next Tuesday. Students will enjoy the Celebration of Cultures throughout the day at Grant and we will get together as a school in the evening for Chili and Game Night. Tuesday, March 19 is also the 5th GRADE END OF YEAR MEETING after school at 3:45. During this meeting, we share information about our traditional end of the year events including Hannibal, Civil War Day, Memory Books/T shirts, 5th Grade Field Day, and Graduation. Parents will have an opportunity to sign u and help with aspects of each event. This is always a special time of year for the 5th graders and we appreciate the efforts our families put into the special events and celebrations.
Memory Book: Please remember to send in a baby picture, Kindergarten picture, and any pics of these kids at Grant events throughout the years for the Memory Book. We are hoping to get all pics in by Spring Break.
Readathon: We won! We won! Our class raised the most money and we had a very high percentage of students participating. We also enjoyed lots of reading. Way to go, team! We will get to celebrate with a special prize field trip later this year. Thanks again for contributing.
MAP Testing: We will be practicing the state assessment starting next week. Students will get time practicing similar MAP testing items in Math and Communication Arts on computers. We will practice the testing atmosphere and review content to be prepared. Our exact testing dates/times have not been finalized but it looks like the 2nd and 3rd week of April will include 5th grade testing.
Weekly Update: This was another solid week of engaging learning.
MATH: Kids enjoyed special Pi day activities on 3/14. They made large geometric representations of an algebraic pattern. Our Unit 6 work this week included looking at data and line plots and reviewing volume. We will continue with decimal multiplication and division next week.
READING: We read nonfictIon resources about the American Colonies this week. The information we synthesized into a venn diagram representing aspects of each colonial region. Students also had time to finish book shares.
WRITING: They have also enjoyed working on their narratives which they finished this week. I have read about a lot of vacations and injuries and some students are trying a bit of fiction in their narratives as well.
SS: With our venn diagrams of the colonies, we made a master venn diagram, highlighting the differences and similarities in each region. We also used a map of the colonial regions to discuss how the geography affected the economy and daily life of the colonists in each region. This activity lays a foundation for understanding the differences in the North and South and is something we come back to when we learn about the Civil War.
SCIENCE: Our science this week focused on finishing our Spider Plant experiment plans. Students worked a lot with data to identify means and themes on the graph to help write their conclusion. We also are forming committees for our 5th Grade Community Project. Next week, our committees will be adding to a proposal that I will be sending out to school and community groups over Spring Break. I am very excited for this work. It is very professional and impressive. All families will also see our proposal and might find ways to help out with idea, time, or materials.
Ecoschoolhouse Designs and Handshake Geometry:

Memory Book: Please remember to send in a baby picture, Kindergarten picture, and any pics of these kids at Grant events throughout the years for the Memory Book. We are hoping to get all pics in by Spring Break.
Readathon: We won! We won! Our class raised the most money and we had a very high percentage of students participating. We also enjoyed lots of reading. Way to go, team! We will get to celebrate with a special prize field trip later this year. Thanks again for contributing.
MAP Testing: We will be practicing the state assessment starting next week. Students will get time practicing similar MAP testing items in Math and Communication Arts on computers. We will practice the testing atmosphere and review content to be prepared. Our exact testing dates/times have not been finalized but it looks like the 2nd and 3rd week of April will include 5th grade testing.
Weekly Update: This was another solid week of engaging learning.
MATH: Kids enjoyed special Pi day activities on 3/14. They made large geometric representations of an algebraic pattern. Our Unit 6 work this week included looking at data and line plots and reviewing volume. We will continue with decimal multiplication and division next week.
READING: We read nonfictIon resources about the American Colonies this week. The information we synthesized into a venn diagram representing aspects of each colonial region. Students also had time to finish book shares.
WRITING: They have also enjoyed working on their narratives which they finished this week. I have read about a lot of vacations and injuries and some students are trying a bit of fiction in their narratives as well.
SS: With our venn diagrams of the colonies, we made a master venn diagram, highlighting the differences and similarities in each region. We also used a map of the colonial regions to discuss how the geography affected the economy and daily life of the colonists in each region. This activity lays a foundation for understanding the differences in the North and South and is something we come back to when we learn about the Civil War.
SCIENCE: Our science this week focused on finishing our Spider Plant experiment plans. Students worked a lot with data to identify means and themes on the graph to help write their conclusion. We also are forming committees for our 5th Grade Community Project. Next week, our committees will be adding to a proposal that I will be sending out to school and community groups over Spring Break. I am very excited for this work. It is very professional and impressive. All families will also see our proposal and might find ways to help out with idea, time, or materials.
Ecoschoolhouse Designs and Handshake Geometry:

Friday, March 8, 2019
This week's newsletter is devoted to READ A THON! This is always one of our favorite days at Grant. You can see why from the reading pics of today below. Thank you so much for those that donated time and money to our fundraiser. And always, thank you for all everyone has done to help mold these fantastic readers in our school who enjoy a culture of literacy. By extension, you all deserve thanks for promoting all the great activities we do in 5th grade and throughout the school. That is the secondary purpose of our fundraiser and your efforts allow us to have wonderful experiences like Hannibal, enjoyable, educational assemblies, special class events and clubs, and amazing projects our All Stars are always working on. Days like today remind us all of the impact of our village that is the Grant School community. We could not do it without you. Thank you!
After the brief update for each subject are some great pics of today.
READING: This week we focused on Book Shares and Read a Thon challenges. Next week, we will start to get into our last book clubs of the year. These stories focused on books that have a powerful setting and our focus will be an integration of fiction and nonfiction science work.
WRITING: We will complete our narratives this week. Students are doing a fantastic job using narrative craft to tell a story.
MATH: Unit 6 has begun and our focus is on multiplying and dividing decimals. Students are also getting time in math stations to extend their math learning in other areas.
SS: We are transitioning into learning about the American Colonies which will lead up to the causes of the American Revolution and the war itself.
SCIENCE: We have finished our Spider Plant experiment and are graphing our data and writing conclusions. We will also start forming committees to work on our Ecoschoolhouse Greenspace design for our 5th Grade Community Project.

After the brief update for each subject are some great pics of today.
READING: This week we focused on Book Shares and Read a Thon challenges. Next week, we will start to get into our last book clubs of the year. These stories focused on books that have a powerful setting and our focus will be an integration of fiction and nonfiction science work.
WRITING: We will complete our narratives this week. Students are doing a fantastic job using narrative craft to tell a story.
MATH: Unit 6 has begun and our focus is on multiplying and dividing decimals. Students are also getting time in math stations to extend their math learning in other areas.
SS: We are transitioning into learning about the American Colonies which will lead up to the causes of the American Revolution and the war itself.
SCIENCE: We have finished our Spider Plant experiment and are graphing our data and writing conclusions. We will also start forming committees to work on our Ecoschoolhouse Greenspace design for our 5th Grade Community Project.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Colonial Williamsburg for kids
PBS (interactive and fun but not updated or maintained)
History Channel
Mr. Nussbaum (includes ads)
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Thursday, February 14, 2019
The kids will have a great time today and it is well deserved. We have been very focused and productive despite being cooped up inside. I have enjoyed incredible math thinking, fantastic photosynthesis models, amazing book shares, and creative writing every day. Our class is in a good spot with everyone heading in the right direction. It is encouraging and exciting to think about what we will achieve this 3rd trimester, their last at Grant School!
During our conferences in two weeks, we will focus on progress and also a little bit about middle school. I look forward to meeting with everyone during conference time. Please know, I encourage your child to join us while sharing his or her great work.
Below is the update for each subject.
MATH: We will finish UNIT 5 next week. Tuesday and Wednesday will focus on fraction multiplication and division. Thursday will be a study guide day. The assessment will be on Friday.
READING: We will finish our Journey books next week. The corresponding Lit Journal 4 will be revised so it can be completed by Friday. If students finish early, they can focus on book shares. After conferences, we will have a Book Share Week so kids can make sure they are caught up with their best work.
WRITING: We are enjoying learning and practicing narrative technique. Right now, we are practicing writing conversations. Students are also using commas in different ways and incorporating daily writing lessons into stories they are writing. After conferences, they will write a final copy narrative about a journey they went on.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Our focus on explorers will shift next week. We have made it all the way from North African kingdoms, to Jeng He, and Marco Polo, all the way up to European Settlements like Jamestown and Plymouth. We will wrap up our explorer focus by finishing our 4th passport and celebration with a "journey" of our own next week. After conferences, the focus will be on the 13 American Colonies and the Revolution.
SCIENCE: Students are progressing through two big plant studies. We have created graphs to represent our results. Each Wednesday is Data Day as we measure our plants and talk about eh data. Also, our Ecoschoolhouse Designs are complete. Next week, we will synthesize and choose about 4-5 projects to enhance our new greenspace. Our ideas will be integrated into a lot of our science and other learning through the spring. I am really excited to choose our projects and move forward. I think we will be creating something super special this year with a lot of context for learning.
During our conferences in two weeks, we will focus on progress and also a little bit about middle school. I look forward to meeting with everyone during conference time. Please know, I encourage your child to join us while sharing his or her great work.
Below is the update for each subject.
MATH: We will finish UNIT 5 next week. Tuesday and Wednesday will focus on fraction multiplication and division. Thursday will be a study guide day. The assessment will be on Friday.
READING: We will finish our Journey books next week. The corresponding Lit Journal 4 will be revised so it can be completed by Friday. If students finish early, they can focus on book shares. After conferences, we will have a Book Share Week so kids can make sure they are caught up with their best work.
WRITING: We are enjoying learning and practicing narrative technique. Right now, we are practicing writing conversations. Students are also using commas in different ways and incorporating daily writing lessons into stories they are writing. After conferences, they will write a final copy narrative about a journey they went on.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Our focus on explorers will shift next week. We have made it all the way from North African kingdoms, to Jeng He, and Marco Polo, all the way up to European Settlements like Jamestown and Plymouth. We will wrap up our explorer focus by finishing our 4th passport and celebration with a "journey" of our own next week. After conferences, the focus will be on the 13 American Colonies and the Revolution.
SCIENCE: Students are progressing through two big plant studies. We have created graphs to represent our results. Each Wednesday is Data Day as we measure our plants and talk about eh data. Also, our Ecoschoolhouse Designs are complete. Next week, we will synthesize and choose about 4-5 projects to enhance our new greenspace. Our ideas will be integrated into a lot of our science and other learning through the spring. I am really excited to choose our projects and move forward. I think we will be creating something super special this year with a lot of context for learning.
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Families, I am eager to get a full week of All Star learning in. Despite weather delays and my own absences, the class is progressing well through various creative projects. We will be very productive between now and Spring Break. Please let me know if you have any questions about our work.
MATH: We are moving through Unit 5 quickly. This unit focuses on Fraction Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. We are trying a new structure during math class. After students complete their daily work, they are assigned to group stations each day for enrichment with various math tasks. This week, the stations focus on coordinate grids, geometric shapes, ST math, and probability.
SCIENCE: We will finish our Tree Photosynthesis models this week. We are also starting to have good conversations about our data from our Spider Plants. Students will start graphing this data this week. Finally, we will finish our Ecoschoolhouse designs and share our ideas for our final community project vision.
SS: We will look at more European explorers and then start to learn about early European settlements in America. I am also bringing in modern explorers and explorers from different cultures into some of our class intros. Student are working on creative "passport" assignments to demonstrate their knowledge of the Age of Exploration.
READING: Students are all reading a book about a character that goes on a journey. In our discussions we will draw connections to our nonfiction reading about explorers and our fiction books. Each week, students are completing a Literature Journal assignment.
WRITING: We will begin narrative writing technique this week. Students will start o craft stories about journeys they have been on. During our narrative writing, we will focus on commas, quotations, transitions phrase, story elements, and punctuation.
Amidst all the learning will be time for fun too. We have a Spirit Day: Crazy Hair/Hat Day on Friday. The Spelling Bee is also n Friday. Coming up is the Valentine's Party, Chili and Game Night, and the Read a Thon kick off!
MATH: We are moving through Unit 5 quickly. This unit focuses on Fraction Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. We are trying a new structure during math class. After students complete their daily work, they are assigned to group stations each day for enrichment with various math tasks. This week, the stations focus on coordinate grids, geometric shapes, ST math, and probability.
SCIENCE: We will finish our Tree Photosynthesis models this week. We are also starting to have good conversations about our data from our Spider Plants. Students will start graphing this data this week. Finally, we will finish our Ecoschoolhouse designs and share our ideas for our final community project vision.
SS: We will look at more European explorers and then start to learn about early European settlements in America. I am also bringing in modern explorers and explorers from different cultures into some of our class intros. Student are working on creative "passport" assignments to demonstrate their knowledge of the Age of Exploration.
READING: Students are all reading a book about a character that goes on a journey. In our discussions we will draw connections to our nonfiction reading about explorers and our fiction books. Each week, students are completing a Literature Journal assignment.
WRITING: We will begin narrative writing technique this week. Students will start o craft stories about journeys they have been on. During our narrative writing, we will focus on commas, quotations, transitions phrase, story elements, and punctuation.
Amidst all the learning will be time for fun too. We have a Spirit Day: Crazy Hair/Hat Day on Friday. The Spelling Bee is also n Friday. Coming up is the Valentine's Party, Chili and Game Night, and the Read a Thon kick off!
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Monday, January 21, 2019
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Whew! We really did make a Native American museum in 5th grade! Thanks again to all that helped. I will be updating the previous post with more pics of our great work. Seeing all the work displayed in the gym was really impressive. It also provided a nice atmosphere for our feast! Throughout the week, students have been sharing their awesome Native American work. We have cataloged examples of Native Americans as incredibly resourceful, artistic, spiritual people who appreciate family and community. With the end of of this social studies unit, we will are already starting the next! Please refer to the weekly update for each subject below.
MATH: We are working quickly through Unit 4 on decimals. This week was a focus on Coordinate Grids. Next week, we will move to adding and subtracting decimals before taking the Unit Test.
READING: In reading, we are reading nonfiction books on European Explorers. Next week, we will also take the January STAR test and choose books for our Journey Book Clubs. All students will be reading an award winning book with a plot centered around a character on a journey.
SS/WRITING: We are moving to our Discovery Unit. This unit focuses on the Age of Exploration. We will be focusing on the old European Explorers leading up to the formation of the American Colonies. We will also bring in stories of modern explorers from various backgrounds. During this unit, we will focus on Narrative writing technique as we read stories of explorers' adventures.
SCIENCE:Our Spider Plants have been properly propagated and we are taking data each week on various aspects of growth like leaf number and leaf length. During the week, we will be focusing on experimental design and modeling photosynthesis. We are also planning and designing the Ecooschoolhouse greenspace for our community project.

MATH: We are working quickly through Unit 4 on decimals. This week was a focus on Coordinate Grids. Next week, we will move to adding and subtracting decimals before taking the Unit Test.
READING: In reading, we are reading nonfiction books on European Explorers. Next week, we will also take the January STAR test and choose books for our Journey Book Clubs. All students will be reading an award winning book with a plot centered around a character on a journey.
SS/WRITING: We are moving to our Discovery Unit. This unit focuses on the Age of Exploration. We will be focusing on the old European Explorers leading up to the formation of the American Colonies. We will also bring in stories of modern explorers from various backgrounds. During this unit, we will focus on Narrative writing technique as we read stories of explorers' adventures.
SCIENCE:Our Spider Plants have been properly propagated and we are taking data each week on various aspects of growth like leaf number and leaf length. During the week, we will be focusing on experimental design and modeling photosynthesis. We are also planning and designing the Ecooschoolhouse greenspace for our community project.

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