After the brief update for each subject are some great pics of today.
READING: This week we focused on Book Shares and Read a Thon challenges. Next week, we will start to get into our last book clubs of the year. These stories focused on books that have a powerful setting and our focus will be an integration of fiction and nonfiction science work.
WRITING: We will complete our narratives this week. Students are doing a fantastic job using narrative craft to tell a story.
MATH: Unit 6 has begun and our focus is on multiplying and dividing decimals. Students are also getting time in math stations to extend their math learning in other areas.
SS: We are transitioning into learning about the American Colonies which will lead up to the causes of the American Revolution and the war itself.
SCIENCE: We have finished our Spider Plant experiment and are graphing our data and writing conclusions. We will also start forming committees to work on our Ecoschoolhouse Greenspace design for our 5th Grade Community Project.
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