A few important notices:
1. Check out our video proposal/invitation for the ESD project if you haven't yet:
2. MAP testing starts next week. Research shows kids do better on assessments when they are well rested and have a healthy breakfast. The testing dates are posted on the blog IMPORTANT EVENTS. Thanks for all you do to help kids do their best. If anyone wants to supply a healthy MAP snack, easily packaged to hand out, feel free to send something in.
Showcase of Talent auditions will be
held next week on various days before-, after-school and at lunch recess,
4/8-12. Talent may include gymnastics, singing, dancing, athletic skills,
poetry, instruments, magic, ETC. for a 2-3 minute act. We have discussed
this in all music classes and have begun signing up for auditions. If
your child needs help signing up for an audition or if you have any questions,email Pam Sisson, Grant music
teacher psisson@cpsk12.org
4. HANNIBAL: There is a parent letter in the Friday Folder describing bus options for this yearly trip. Almost everyone has made their 10 book shares (or more)!
4. HANNIBAL: There is a parent letter in the Friday Folder describing bus options for this yearly trip. Almost everyone has made their 10 book shares (or more)!
SCIENCE: We will focus on the MAP test next week and will likely do some ESD planning and work.
MATH: We will practice the MAP math test next week and have lessons reviewing material for MAP testing.
READING: We will practice the ELA MAP test, continue reading nonfiction and ESD research.
WRITING: We will practice the ELA MAP test, and continue journaling about our ESD project.
SS: We will continue to learn about the American Revolution, specifically the Declaration of Independence, and how the colonists won the war.
Below are some funny team building activity pics and Minecraft book share pics.
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