READING: In reading, we have finished reading the 3rd section of our Native American themed chapter book. Students are completing the writing on Literature Journal 3A/B which is due next Tuesday 12/11. We will then finish our books with one more Lit Journal assignment and then readers will have some class time to complete a Book Share for this book before Winter Break. Each reader should have at least 4 book shares completed when we leave for break.
MATH: In math, we continued our work on Fractions, specifically equivalent fractions and adding an subtracting. We will review the unit next week and take the Unit 3 Fraction test on Thursday. Student will have 2 study guides and they also can review the unit work in their Math Journal and Homelinks pages to help prepare.
SS/WRITING: Our focus continue to be research on our Native American museum exhibits. We have webbed plenty of notes from books and internet research. We also visited the MU Museum of Anthropology today to get ideas about creating our museum exhibits. Next week, we will be focusing on organizing our notes and then it will be time to create a rough draft. Rough drafts will be due before Winter Break. Our final museum exhibits will be celebrated and presented in January, after we return.
SCIENCE: In science, we have been talking about community projects within the context (and space) of the Ecoschoolhouse. The Ecoschoolhouse is a perfect example of a community project. We had all our science classes in the Ecoschoolhouse this week. Our focus was looking at past community projects we have completed in 5th grade. We took notes of noticings, wonderings, and personal connections as we viewed past 5th grade science posters, physical projects, and websites. Next week, we are synthesizing our thoughts and then starting to plan this years community project.
Please enjoy the pics of today's trip to the museum!
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