However, I will send them home today because I want everyone to be aware of our upcoming important events. Below is an update of our current learning focus in each subject. Also, enjoy the pics of us using and learning from our sundials.
READING: We finished our first chapter book read aloud, Seedfolks! Students are allowed to do a book share on this book. I think we will also use it as a foundation for some garden community work at Grant School. We will wrap up our focus on questioning this week. Next, based off our questioning work, we are going to focus on story elements: characters, setting, plot, main problem, etc...
WRITING: Students are beginning the writing portion of their Island work. They are creating a gazetteer guide for their maps, complete with descriptions and grid locations for their map. This work is due Friday, Oct. 12.
MATH: In math, the focus has been on exponents and then multiplication of multi digit numbers. We have practiced a few strategies and then have focused on the US Algorithm for work with multi digit problems. In 5th grade, we expect kids have their basic multiplication facts fluently. This is a good time to practice facts at home if you felt your child needs that experience.
SS: Our geography wok continues this week as we start to write about our islands. We will connect aspects of our Capen Park and Arts field trip this week to geography and native peoples. On Friday, Barbara Buffalo, Columbia's Sustainability Manager, is visiting us in the Ecoschoolhouse to help brainstorm sustainability ideas for our islands.
SCIENCE: Our focus is still a mixture of matter and sunlight. We finished our sundials last week so we are stating this week describing shadow patterns and the earths movement in relation to the sun. Our next focus in matter will be physical and chemical changes.

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