Edward Curtis
Buffalo Video:
5th Grade NA Region Site:
History Channel Regions:
Native American Indiand (scroll down to regions and tribes)
Needham School Page:
Mr. Donn regions:
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Monday, October 22, 2018
Friday, October 19, 2018
These and many other positive words describe our room right now. Our time in Class 86 has been enjoyable and productive. Kids are enjoying working on the last pieces of their island geography project, cooperating in group work during math, hands on matter activities in science, and creating impressive book shares. As our field experiences are winding down, we will be spending more time in the regular classroom setting, and in the Ecoschoolhouse as well. Below is the snapshot of our current work and some reminders/updates.
FRIDAY FOLDER: This week's folder has a family conference form to fill out. Yes, it's almost conference time! Please fill out the form to let me know what time works best for your family.
CHILLY: With the weather cooling down, I am asking families to helps kids be prepared with proper clothing. When it gets below 40*, I ask kids to have a jacket and long pants. They can choose to wear them or not on the playground, but I ask they have them just in case we need to be outside for a long period of time. Feel free to send in an extra coat or pants or hat an gloves to keep in your child's cubby.
TRAVEL SHOW: I included another Travel Show invitation in the Friday Folder. This is a full day of learning celebration next Thursday, October 25th. Geographers will be planning their show to share their island work with guests. Please know you are welcome to join us at any time. Also know students may be bringing extra "props" to support their island theme. This could include things like toys or music or sports equipment, and with special permission, maybe something electronic just for this awesome day. Please let me know if you have any questions.
HALLOWEEN: It's almost party time! We will have our annual Halloween parade and party on Wednesday, Oct. 31. 5th grade parties are a little different than other grades because we celebrate as a whole grade level since it is their last year together. To help plan such an awesome event, Susan Schopflin is organizing a Sign-Up Genius to gather support and materials. I will send the link in an email and post it on the blog as well.
PORTFOLIOS: Today, each student will come home with newly graded work in their portfolio. Please look over the work and send it all back in on Monday with the Friday Folder. During conference time, students will be choosing their best work to share from the Trimester.
READING: In reading, we wrapped up our work on questions which led us to story elements. We are using our new read aloud, The Island of Blue Dolphins, to model describing elements such as setting, main problem, plot, solution, and theme. We will be applying our reading response work and story element practice in book clubs with Native American themed books starting after Halloween.
WRITING: Our writers did an amazing job drafting ideas for their island Travel Brochure. Between this work and the I AM poems, we have solid evidence of each student as a writer. They are spending each day working on the final draft of their Travel Brochure which you will see at the Travel Show next Thursday.
MATH: Before moving on to division, we spent time reviewing our multiplication skills and making up any missing or possibly not best work. Each student had a chance to revise work now that they have had more experience with the multiplication algorithm. Next, we will have a few lessons on division before testing over Unit 2, which will likely happen soon after Halloween.
SCIENCE: We finished our current work with the sundials by describing patterns of shadows. Then, we went back to matter and we are currently doing hands on activities and demonstrations to describe physical and chemical changes. This will lead into setting up some plant labs in the Ecoschoolhouse. We will use the plants as examples of photosynthesis (an amazing chemical change within itself) and use the plants to introduce some experimental design.
SS: It's all about the Travel Brochure and Travel Show! We have already started discussing some Native American culture and history through our read aloud and sun temples of the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas. Native American history will be our focus after the Travel Show.
Please enjoy these pics of our trip to Capen Park and our Arts Trip.

FRIDAY FOLDER: This week's folder has a family conference form to fill out. Yes, it's almost conference time! Please fill out the form to let me know what time works best for your family.
CHILLY: With the weather cooling down, I am asking families to helps kids be prepared with proper clothing. When it gets below 40*, I ask kids to have a jacket and long pants. They can choose to wear them or not on the playground, but I ask they have them just in case we need to be outside for a long period of time. Feel free to send in an extra coat or pants or hat an gloves to keep in your child's cubby.
TRAVEL SHOW: I included another Travel Show invitation in the Friday Folder. This is a full day of learning celebration next Thursday, October 25th. Geographers will be planning their show to share their island work with guests. Please know you are welcome to join us at any time. Also know students may be bringing extra "props" to support their island theme. This could include things like toys or music or sports equipment, and with special permission, maybe something electronic just for this awesome day. Please let me know if you have any questions.
HALLOWEEN: It's almost party time! We will have our annual Halloween parade and party on Wednesday, Oct. 31. 5th grade parties are a little different than other grades because we celebrate as a whole grade level since it is their last year together. To help plan such an awesome event, Susan Schopflin is organizing a Sign-Up Genius to gather support and materials. I will send the link in an email and post it on the blog as well.
PORTFOLIOS: Today, each student will come home with newly graded work in their portfolio. Please look over the work and send it all back in on Monday with the Friday Folder. During conference time, students will be choosing their best work to share from the Trimester.
READING: In reading, we wrapped up our work on questions which led us to story elements. We are using our new read aloud, The Island of Blue Dolphins, to model describing elements such as setting, main problem, plot, solution, and theme. We will be applying our reading response work and story element practice in book clubs with Native American themed books starting after Halloween.
WRITING: Our writers did an amazing job drafting ideas for their island Travel Brochure. Between this work and the I AM poems, we have solid evidence of each student as a writer. They are spending each day working on the final draft of their Travel Brochure which you will see at the Travel Show next Thursday.
MATH: Before moving on to division, we spent time reviewing our multiplication skills and making up any missing or possibly not best work. Each student had a chance to revise work now that they have had more experience with the multiplication algorithm. Next, we will have a few lessons on division before testing over Unit 2, which will likely happen soon after Halloween.
SCIENCE: We finished our current work with the sundials by describing patterns of shadows. Then, we went back to matter and we are currently doing hands on activities and demonstrations to describe physical and chemical changes. This will lead into setting up some plant labs in the Ecoschoolhouse. We will use the plants as examples of photosynthesis (an amazing chemical change within itself) and use the plants to introduce some experimental design.
SS: It's all about the Travel Brochure and Travel Show! We have already started discussing some Native American culture and history through our read aloud and sun temples of the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas. Native American history will be our focus after the Travel Show.
Please enjoy these pics of our trip to Capen Park and our Arts Trip.
Monday, October 8, 2018
Families, every week I feel the same thing: what a great class! Last week, I was absent for a few afternoons and I am so appreciative of the positive notes I received from our guest teachers. We celebrated today with some extra "free" time in the morning. Due to my absence, I did not get a newsletter or Friday Folder charts sent home last week.

However, I will send them home today because I want everyone to be aware of our upcoming important events. Below is an update of our current learning focus in each subject. Also, enjoy the pics of us using and learning from our sundials.
READING: We finished our first chapter book read aloud, Seedfolks! Students are allowed to do a book share on this book. I think we will also use it as a foundation for some garden community work at Grant School. We will wrap up our focus on questioning this week. Next, based off our questioning work, we are going to focus on story elements: characters, setting, plot, main problem, etc...
WRITING: Students are beginning the writing portion of their Island work. They are creating a gazetteer guide for their maps, complete with descriptions and grid locations for their map. This work is due Friday, Oct. 12.
MATH: In math, the focus has been on exponents and then multiplication of multi digit numbers. We have practiced a few strategies and then have focused on the US Algorithm for work with multi digit problems. In 5th grade, we expect kids have their basic multiplication facts fluently. This is a good time to practice facts at home if you felt your child needs that experience.
SS: Our geography wok continues this week as we start to write about our islands. We will connect aspects of our Capen Park and Arts field trip this week to geography and native peoples. On Friday, Barbara Buffalo, Columbia's Sustainability Manager, is visiting us in the Ecoschoolhouse to help brainstorm sustainability ideas for our islands.
SCIENCE: Our focus is still a mixture of matter and sunlight. We finished our sundials last week so we are stating this week describing shadow patterns and the earths movement in relation to the sun. Our next focus in matter will be physical and chemical changes.

Monday, October 1, 2018
This is always one of my favorite weeks of the year. During Arts n Blues week and the Blues Corps, our individual and community strengths appear in so many ways. The excitement is evident and when you throw in a few more awesome field trips and general Grant All Star enthusiasm, it is always a nice week. Thank you to all who helped out and enjoyed the atmosphere and were able to attend the festivities with TJ and the Blues Corps.
As we say goodbye till next year to TJ, we ride the lasting wave of excitement back into a our normal schedules and routines. We can channel our creativity back into island maps and book shares and sundials! Below is a snapshot of our current focus in each subject.
READING: In reading this week, we are wrapping our focus on questioning and transitioning into a focus on predicting and inferring. We are using our read aloud, shared and independent Nonfiction and fiction materials for this work. Students are getting time to make progress on book share books as well. Students should have about 2 book shares completed by now to be making average progress.
WRITING: Our main writing project will soon become writing about the islands we created. Students will use nonfiction techniques to describe their islands. Students are using writing/ss time to work on their maps. Our writing focus also is on writing in each subject, using math/science vocab, writing about our reading, etc...
MATH: In math, we are working through the beginning of the second unit, focused on moving through the number system with exponents, powers of 10, and using our basic multiplication and division skills. This weeks focus is on multiplication.
SS: Our Island Close-Up Maps are the focus this week. This creative work is due on Friday. During this work, we focus on geography, including landforms, climate and resources. This work lays the foundation for focusing on the development of American History throughout the year.
SCIENCE: Matter remains our focus and our matter experiences are helping lay the foundation for our science work throughout the year. In between our matter lessons and science experiences, we are also applying the matter ideas on our field trips. Last week, students drew matter models using organisms from our CCUA field trip. We have two exciting trips next week, too. Also, we used the fall equinox to have a quick sun/shadow experience that led us to making sundials! I have a feeling our ecosystem matter work, Seedfolks garden ideas from reading, SS resource discussions and sundial investigations might end up with a garden design experience for some of Grant's new greenspaces.
Please enjoy pics of CCUA field trip and Blues Corps:

As we say goodbye till next year to TJ, we ride the lasting wave of excitement back into a our normal schedules and routines. We can channel our creativity back into island maps and book shares and sundials! Below is a snapshot of our current focus in each subject.
READING: In reading this week, we are wrapping our focus on questioning and transitioning into a focus on predicting and inferring. We are using our read aloud, shared and independent Nonfiction and fiction materials for this work. Students are getting time to make progress on book share books as well. Students should have about 2 book shares completed by now to be making average progress.
WRITING: Our main writing project will soon become writing about the islands we created. Students will use nonfiction techniques to describe their islands. Students are using writing/ss time to work on their maps. Our writing focus also is on writing in each subject, using math/science vocab, writing about our reading, etc...
MATH: In math, we are working through the beginning of the second unit, focused on moving through the number system with exponents, powers of 10, and using our basic multiplication and division skills. This weeks focus is on multiplication.
SS: Our Island Close-Up Maps are the focus this week. This creative work is due on Friday. During this work, we focus on geography, including landforms, climate and resources. This work lays the foundation for focusing on the development of American History throughout the year.
SCIENCE: Matter remains our focus and our matter experiences are helping lay the foundation for our science work throughout the year. In between our matter lessons and science experiences, we are also applying the matter ideas on our field trips. Last week, students drew matter models using organisms from our CCUA field trip. We have two exciting trips next week, too. Also, we used the fall equinox to have a quick sun/shadow experience that led us to making sundials! I have a feeling our ecosystem matter work, Seedfolks garden ideas from reading, SS resource discussions and sundial investigations might end up with a garden design experience for some of Grant's new greenspaces.
Please enjoy pics of CCUA field trip and Blues Corps:
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