Our week was also productive academically. We have had serious, mature discussions in social studies and health. We grew as scientists and started some fun work in math. Below is a list of our current focus in each subject.
POWER: This is the district health curriculum on drug awareness and making healthy choices. This week, we researched facts on tobacco and alcohol. Next week, we will learn more about marijuana and certain categories of illegal drugs. The last part of this curriculum will focus on making healthy decisions and resisting negative media and peer pressure. Feel free to contact me if you have questions about this curriculum.
MATH: We are continuing our progress on our question about bricks on Grant School. This work has included measurement scales and fraction work. Students are also applying their perimeter and area skills by designing their own Dream House.
SCIENCE: We finished our 4th and final experiment on evaporation. Next week, we will focus on other parts of t he hydrological cycle, weather, and water conservation.
SS: Students did a very nice job on their Westward Expansion slides. We are now focusing on Civil War and the issues and events during this conflict. We had a very mature discussion about slavery, extending into the Civil Rights movement at times. This will be out last social studies unit and will culminate in Civil War day. Students are also completing a text worksheet packet and will write a time period letter by the end of the unit.
CATTV: We have continued our filming and will transition to more planning as other units are completed.
Please enjoy the pics from Hannibal and DBRL with our buddies.
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