End of Year Meeting:
Please join Mr. Kuensting and I in the Ecoschoolhouse this Thursday at 3:45. During this meeting, we will share all the traditional fun 5th grade end of the year activities and ways volunteers can help. We are always appreciative of anyone who can help out special projects like the Memory Book, Graduation, field trip chaperones, 5th Grade Field Day, and more. It is always a fun Spring in Grant School 5th grade as these kids enjoy their last days of elementary school together.
Academically, these next two weeks will be productive leading up to Spring Break.
MATH: Math test Tuesday on Fraction Multiplication/Division. This long unit is coming to an end. There is a study guide for today/tonight to help prepare. We will take a short break before the next unit to do Pi Day math, and some NCAA bball math before starting unit 6 next week.
READING: We finish our Ecolit books this week. Students will also be planning the components of their Eco Diorama. This project will count as a book share and is due March 23rd. Students will be planning this week and will have class time next week to work on their diorama.
SS: This week we will finish looking at the causes of the American Revolution and begin looking at the war itself. Students are completing mini assignments in class about important events such at the Boston Tea Party, British taxation, Paul Revere's ride and more.
SCIENCE: Students are creating their own energy chain using Pic collage on the ipad. Next, we will make a hands on craft modeling photosynthesis.
INFOGRAPHIC: Students are creating their infographic in media time. Each student is producing a large infographic about a topic they chose from their community inspirations earlier this year. The final products will decorate an area of our new classrooms next year.
CATTV: Each student is in a planning group for our CATTV project. They all have dates and times reserved for recording their part of our Grant construction documentary. Twice a week, we meet to plan and prepare for our filming days and final product which will be shown next year to kick off the school year in our new building.

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