Friday, August 25, 2017


We had a great time during the eclipse.  The kids were all so excited and when totality hit there was cheering all around.  I included pics below of our Solar System obstacle course, some student eclipse myths, and from the eclipse as well.  Below is a snapshot of current focus in each subject.  We are still getting used to some routines but overall things are going very well.

READING:  We discussed genres and book shares this week.  All students have checked out reading material to start with for book shares.  We are practicing writing our reading thoughts.  Also, we completed the STAR reading assessment which will give me a place to start knowing each reader. Next week, I will listen to readers using the DRA materials and begin conferencing.

WRITING:  Our beginning writing focus is on poetry using the I AM bio poem format.  These projects turn out great each year.  We will also take a writing and spelling beginning of the year assessment.  Then our writing focus will be on the Where in the World theme work.

MATH: After playing a few math games early in the year, we started the first few lessons of our new math curriculum.  5th graders have a more challenging curriculum than in the past but kids are doing well so far.  Mostly, we are getting used to the structure of the new curriculum.  The first unit is focused on area and volume.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Look for the Where in the World theme packet in the Friday Folder.  This awesome theme focused on geography is a hit with the kids.  Right now they are working on their world maps and next they will create an island of their own design.  This unit culminates with a Travel Show celebration on October 3.

SCIENCE: With the eclipse behind us, we are now focusing on our science observation and experimental design skills.  We will use these skills on our various field trips throughout the fall. Today we worked at Stewart Park after learning about different scientists and their methods. We especially focused on  Jane Goodall's field work.



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