EXCELLENT ECODIORAMAS: We spent most of reading time this week enjoying Ecodiorama presentations. I have been impressed with students' final products and their creative expressions of their reading. This work will be displayed in the hallway sometime next week during Read a Thon. On Friday, we set aside some time for readers to work on Read a Thon challenges. Thank you so much to all who participate in the celebration of reading and supporting of Grant School. I talked this week with the kids about how the funds raised during this time support awesome adventures and resources for our Grant School students.
MARVELOUS MATTERS: We continued our Matter learning this week. Scientists learned about solids, liquids, and gasses. We also talked about plasma. Scientists also described matter and we applied our new knowledge to our community science project. In a art/math/science integration project, we also modeled a pie chart of the gasses that make up our air.
WONDERFUL WRITERS: Students wrote a post DWA narrative piece this week. This is like a writing test on Narrative technique. I am eager to see how their improved over the course of this unit. I am already seeing better organization, paragraphs, and transitions overall. Next week, our writing will be integrated with science and social studies.
SOCIAL STUDIES: We are now focusing on the cause of the American Revolution and will be documenting the steps that lead up to this conflict. Our work on the Revolution and important US historical documents will lead up to Spring Break.
AND WE HAVE BEEN ALL STARS ALL WEEK!! Enjoy the pics of great work below.
Please join us for the End of the Year planning meeting next Wednesday to help plan our awesome festivities at the end of 5th grade.

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