As always, this will be a busy spring and I am updating the important dates on the blog as best I can. Notice on March 10, we a 5th grade family meeting for any family members who are interested in helping plan our end of the year events (including Hannibal, Civil War Day, Graduation, End of the Year party, and Memory Book). Mr. Kuensting have the privilege of witnessing firsthand what a special time tis can be for these kids and we couldn't make it happen without the help of the wonderful Grant School families and PTA. I am sending home the "Friday Folder" on Monday this week because there are important papers I want to make sure go home to be viewed.
Our March focus will be on Fractions and fraction application in real world problems, Colonial History and causes of the American Revolution, Word Study work, Eco Literature Dioramas, and learning about food chains and energy in regards to Benthic Macroinvertebrates to prepare us for our field work after Spring Break.
This week:
Monday: word study, Colony paragraphs, chemical changes, choose Eco Lit chapter book, subtraction of fractions
Tuesday: word study, Colony paragraphs, Eco Lit reading, add of mixed numbers and improper fractions
Wednesday: word study, Colony paragraphs, conservation of Mass, Eco Lit reading, sub add of mixed numbers and improper fractions
Thursday: word study, Colony venn diagram, counselor, Eco Lit reading, fraction review and games
Friday: READ A THON!!!!!!
Last week, we focused on reflecting upon our progress as learners and completing our website portfolios. The conference homework is for families to view their portfolios at home sometime. We also spent time relaxing with fun math activities, time with Buddies, and viewing 3rd grade President presentations and book fair books. Check out these cool math designs below. I am also including some cool astrolabes from January when students were working on Age of Exploration projects.
Strait Lines Make Curves!!

Fibonacci Spirals:

Explorer Astrolabes:

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