Reading: We are focusing on Book Shares this week! Students will spend reading time catching up on their Book Share work. We expect each reader to have at least 3 of these creative book reports by the end of the trimester (this Friday!).
Writing: Writers have completed a Nonfiction writing about a Native American region. This week they are focusing on completing research for their Native American museum exhibit. Students are also spending a few more moments making sure their I AM poem is completed in iMovie form.
Social Studies: Students are using books and electronic resources to collect research on their Native American museum exhibit topic. Mr. K and I will be revising dates for our Potlatch celebration and other important dates for this work.
Science: Scientists have all shared their inspirations from our community observations. You can view their wordles on the CPBL page link to the right. This week we are sharing our ideas for our year long science experiment and community project. We also will complete a science article about pumpkins.
Math: We will finalize our division with 1 digit divisors this week. There will be a test on Friday. Then we will continue looking at division with 2 digit divisors.
Please don't hesitate to call or email if you have any questions.
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