Friday, April 21, 2017

One MAP Week Down, Spring Keeps Coming!

Families, our All Stars have done a very nice job during MAP testing week.  We have taken to the task with grace and responsibility.  I appreciate families supporting healthy habits at home during this busy time of year.  Having a good attitude and stamina are sometimes the most important strategy for doing well on these tests and students who can develop those testing habits now will be better off down the road as they face more and more standardized testing.  

We have managed to stay loose during testing times with a nice schedule.  In the morning, we are working on a few main projects, then break for lunch, have a down time, MAP test, and then recess and relaxation.  Students made progress this week on geometry, their SPARK page for our Stream Table project, book shares, and we wrapped up discussing main documents of American History.  

Next week, our schedule is flipped: MAP test in the morning, lunch and relax, and then focus on projects in the afternoon.  We have a MKT trail walking field trip on Monday after lunch.  This is a reward for Read a Thon and it also fits nicely with our stream work.  We will keep working on the Stream Table and it is coming along nicely.  Please stop by the east side of our classroom and check it out.  Every 5th grader is incorporating in the building process.  Check out the pics below the Weekly Update!

MAP Schedule: Notice we will be completed before May.  Attendance on testing days/times is extremely helpful to decrease makeups. Thanks!

4/24: Science Session 3, 9:45-11:45
4/25: Math Session 1/3, 9:45-11:45
4/27: Math Session 2, 9:45-11:45

Weekly Update:
Math: There will be plenty of math next week through the MAP test.  We finished our geometry experience last week.  Next week, I will include some MAP prep topics for the MAP test.  After MAP, the math focus is on data, graphing, measurement and 3D shapes.

Science: Friday and next week, we will get a heavy dose of science through MAP testing. Our class science work is focused on our CPBL project.  Students are incorporating their science learning into SPARK presentations that will be used with our Stream Table which we are building for Grant School.  The remaining topics to cover and add to our project are Energy Chains and the Hydrological Cycle.

Social Studies: The two main topics for the rest of the year are Westward Expansion and Civil War. Next week, student groups will research Westward Expansion events ranging from the Louisiana Purchase up to trails West and European Immigration.  Following this research, for our remaining Social Studies time will be engrossed in Civil War learning and preparing for Civil War day.

Literacy: Most of our literacy work this week was the Language Arts MAP test.  We also got time in for Book Shares and continued researching for our Stream Table SPARK page.  Next week, all our reading time will be a focus on book shares since they are due at the end of April.  It will be fun to celebrate by sharing our folders full of creative reading work.





Friday, April 14, 2017


Families, this week we settled in and steadily worked on a variety of projects.  We also spent time preparing for the MAP test which starts on MONDAY!!! I have included a schedule of our MAP testing days and times below.  Please help your All-Star do their best on this state assessment by providing encouragement, a healthy diet, and plenty of rest. We will continue to work on our core projects during testing but I will be sure to work in a nice relaxing atmosphere at school too.  The current update for each subject is also listed below.

Thank you so much for those of you who have sent in pictures for the Memory Book and donations for the Hannibal charter bus.  You may have noticed our schedule filling up with field trips and fun, education events. For instance, this week we enjoyed a Jazz performance hosted by the We Always Sing Jazz Series and on Friday we had a STEAM day at Grant where students were involved in science, technology, engineering, art, and math activities.  I will update the most important events for this Spring in the Important Dates section to the right.  Please know for the most important events there will also be informational flyers and sign ups top help in the Friday Folder.  Let me know if you have any questions!  Thanks for all you do!

MAP Schedule: Notice we will be completed before May.  Attendance on testing days/times is extremely helpful to decrease makeups. Thanks!
4/17: Communication Arts Session 1, 1:10-3:10
4/18: Communication Arts Session 2/3, 1:10-3:10
4/20: Communication Arts Session 4, 1:10-3:10
4/21: Science Session 1/2, 1:10-3:10
4/24: Science Session 3, 9:45-11:45
4/25: Math Session 1/3, 9:45-11:45
4/27: Math Session 2, 9:45-11:45

Weekly Update:
Math: All of our math is focused on Geometry right now.  We have investigated triangles and quadrilaterals and the properties of polygons.  Students are working on geometry art as well.  Next week, we will finish geometry and brush up on measurements and a few other MAP preparation topics.

Science: Our science work is focused on our CPBL project.  Students are incorporating their science learning into presentations that will be used with our Stream Table which we are building for Grant School. We are also refreshing knowledge of moon phases and other topics for MAP preparation.

Social Studies: Our focus this week was on important US documents: Dec of Ind, Articles of Confed, Bill of Rights, and the Constitution.  The two main topics for the rest of the year are Westward Expansion and Civil War.

Literacy: Learners had some time to work on book shares but most our literacy time has been integrated into science or into MAP preparation. Almost everyone has 10 book shares! Yay! I look forward to having students share their work in May.

Pics of Stream Table, STEAM day, Mart (math art):

Thursday, April 6, 2017


Families, I hope all had a wonderful, relaxing, and fun break.  I certainly did! In fact, I failed to make any progress on the mountain of great work I have to grade.  I am excited to see some of creative work kids did for the American Revolution unit, the Matter unit in science, and math posters and tests.  Expect to see great work coming home bit by bit.

After our break, we looked at the calendar and the 8 (now 7) weeks we have left. We know to expect MAP testing this month and plenty of field trips coming up.  We will be flexible through our Spring schedule and in between events focus on our community science project, social studies themes, and some smaller units like the health Power unit.  We will always be progressing through math work but a lot of our reading and writing will be integrated into our science and social studies work.

Friday Folder:  There are important letters in the Friday Folder this week.  Dr. Wingert has shared an informative letter about MAP testing home.  While we prepare for this state assessment and kids are more used to it in 5th grade, MAP testing can always be a challenge for students in terms of stamina, schedule changes, increased stress, etc...  Please help your child get through our 8 days of testing with healthy sleep, eating, and activity habits.  Ler me know if you have any questions about the testing format.

There will also be a letter about our Hannibal field trip in the Friday Folder.  This letter is from our parent committee and references transportation choices for this fantastic field trip.  As we closer to more of our Spring events, there will be a lot informative updates sent home.

Snapshot for next week:
Reading/Writing:  Focus on Communication Arts MAP test preparation, some Book Share time, and word study activities.
Social Studies:  A look at the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
Science: Continuing our Community Science project, starting to focus on hydrological cycle.
Math:  Geometry focus on quadrilaterals and characteristics of many different shapes.

Have a wonderful weekend and come and join the Eco Club hike on Sunday if you have time!