December is a great month all around. We have 3 weeks of focus and hard work and then a well deserved break. Students are already enjoying the work we have for this month. Most of our work is centered around our Discovery theme, based in learning about European explorers and the Age of Exploration. Already we have talked about explorers from Marco Polo to Da Gama and Dias. This week we will look at Columbus, Magellan, and some Spanish Conquistadors. There will also be a Decimal Division quiz this week and another science experiment on water and evaporation. We will find time in the next couple of weeks to enjoy our Pre School buddies and celebrate Winter Break with our school community. Please read the snapshot of this upcoming week below and enjoy the pictures of Powwow projects, Astrolabes, and science work. And know we have weekly assignments due each week in most subjects.
Reading: I will continue reading short stories of characters who go on journeys while students read their Journey chapter books. In our Lit Journal, we will be comparing our characters' journeys to the real journeys of European explorers.
SS/Writing: We will continue to take notes on explorers from our text book and get ready for our Discovery game. Already students are working together in colonies on mapping assignments. It is likely we will set sail this Friday after we prepare our ships and gather supplies.
Science: Last week, we worked together on setting up an experiment about evaporation. This week we will study a new variable of evaporation. These mini experiments are covering the scientific method, the hydrological cycle, and hopefully give us more inspiration for our community project (which we haven't decided yet!).
Math: Last week, we had a quiz on decimal multiplication. This week, we will wrap up decimal division and take a quiz on that topic. Next up will be a look into algebra.
Have a great week!