Blues in the Schools at Grant info
Friday, 9/23
Bring $1 to buy your commemorative blues button on playground before school
Tj Wheeler arrives
10 Years of Blues in the Schools at Grant Art Exhibit at Central Bank of Boone County, 720 East Broadway, 5:30 to 6:30PM
Tuesday, 9/27
Bring $1 to buy your commemorative blues button on the playground before school
Thursday, 9/29
Arts & Blues Night at Grant, 5:30 to 7:30PM
Friday, 9/30
Music Makers Blues Revue returns to Grant for an assembly, 2:15PM
Saturday, 10/1
Grant Blues Corps performs at the Blues in the Schools stage, Roots N Blues N BBQ Fest, Stephens Amphitheater, 12:00-4:00READING: After completing the DRA, I have a solid picture of where each child is as a reader. Next week, I will help students with choices for just right Book Share books. This week we practiced questions and next week we will likely practice predictions.
WRITING: Our writing focus is on two long range projects: the Travel Brochure and the I AM Poem. For the Travel Brochure, we will focus on paragraph structure and using nonfiction conventions. This is the last piece of writing for our Island project. We will celebrate all this work on Oct 3 with the Travel Show. For the I AM Poem, the focus has been descriptive words and poetry structure. Some students will have time to record their poem using iMovie on their ipad.
MATH: For math we have moved on to Multiplication. We will spend time covering efficient strategies as problems get progressively more difficult. Our class struggled with rounding in the last unit and on the test. So I am supporting rounding and estimating as we introduce multiplication. I also noticed students were slow to remember their basic facts so that is something they can practice at home or anytime really. Highlighting multiplication in the real world is helpful too because we will be applying our skills to multi step problems.
SOCIAL STUDIES: In social studies, we have used our textbook and pics/videos of geographical features to inspire our island work. We read about resources, conservation, and economy. Students spent a good amount of time brainstorming creative ideas for their islands.
SCIENCE: Our science focus this week was based around our Gov't Walk field trip. We also practiced communicating about science by reading articles and responding to them.