This post title describes how well our first community field experience went. Scientists were attentive and well behaved. They enjoyed our activities and learned too. The weather also cooperated with our walk to UMC campus. You can view some pics of our experience at Ellis Library and Peace Park in the 2016-2017 CPBL link to the right. Below is a snapshot of our current learning focus in each subject and some special announcements. I am also updating the Important Dates section as we solidify plans for more community field experiences.
Reading: Besides getting in to our chapter book read aloud, The Phantom Tollbooth, we had time to check out books this week and get used to our Reading Workshop routine. Readers also took a computerized reading test called the STAR. These scores are used as one measure to gauge a reader's progress and I will share them with families throughout the year. Next week, we will continue practicing the structure of our independent reading routine.
Writing: Writers this week focused on their I AM sketch. This work will be paired with a descriptive, autobiographical I AM poem. We will work on drafting our poems next week and take a spelling inventory to start our word study program.
Math: This week in math we investigated place value in various stations. Each student also received practice sheets to prepare for our math assessment on place value. Students will be tested over place value and comparing with whole numbers to the millions and decimals to the thousandths.
Social Studies: Cartographers worked on their World Maps this week. Next week, we will look at more geographical concepts and begin our Island Close Up Maps.
Science: In science this week, we prepared for our first community field experiences, did a field guide scavenger hunt, and went through binocular training at Stewart Park. Next week, we have 2 more community field experiences: Flat Branch/MKT on Thursday and DBRL library on Friday.
Special Announcements:
Please join us on Thursday, September 1st for our all-school potluck. Bring a dish to share and enjoy getting to know other Grant families before spending some time with your student’s classroom teacher for Back to School Night. The potluck is on our playground from 5-6:15 pm. Following the potluck, families will move into the gym for staff introductions and a greeting from the PTA. From 6:30-7:15, families are encouraged to go to their student’s classroom to learn about the upcoming year of instruction and focus. In case of bad weather, we will hold the potluck in the cafeteria. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Blues in the Schools at Grant and the Art & Blues Night at Grant are just around the corner. Please bring your donations for the Silent Auction to the Grant office ASAP to help continue to fund our blues residencies. Some popular auction items include but are not limited to: artsy items, jewelry, gift cards for restaurants, baskets of products, homemade bread, homemade craft, etc. Drop your item off in the office and be sure to get a thank you receipt.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Friday, August 19, 2016
Whew, the first week is complete and it went well. Reflecting upon our experience this week, I have to say our most impressive quality shining through is community. These kids worked very well together though various group activities. I was very pleased with our work in math and science groups especially. Below you will see a description of our work so far and some information about class procedures and updates. Also, check out the pics of our awesome science work!
Math: In math, students worked in groups to play a couple games and also to create multiple towers. We used our towers to discuss number patterns and also they will be used to decorate our math closet. Again, mathmagicians worked very well in groups this week.
Science: We spent the majority of our science time practicing making quality observations. Scientists made observations during a science experiment and also on our school playground an garden areas. A lot of our science experiences in September will include walking community field trips around our city. Please read the letter in the Friday Folder about our community experiences. In fact, next week we will already have 2 walking field experiences and students are already planning to be prepared.
Social Studies: As geographers, we looked at books about the earth and we also started our world map project. This is the first assignment for the Where in the World theme that integrates reading, writing, art, media, and geography. There is also a Where in the World packet in the Friday Folder explaining this project. The WITW project will be our focus for a most of Aug/Sept and we will celebrate with the Travel Show on Oct. 3.
Writing: In writing, writers have started their I AM poems. These poems provide an opportunity for us to learn more about each other and practice using descriptive language. The final copies will be outstanding pieces of work kids and families will be proud of.
Reading: In reading, we spent time making sure we had our materials and read a lot of read aloud picture books. Next week, we will take the STAR assessment and begin our independent reading routines.
1. Our recess/lunch time has changed to 11:55-12:45 in order to help our kindergartners move efficiently through the lunch line.
2. Please check the Friday Folder for these important notices and others:
3. This blog is the best way to stay up to date with classroom information. It is updated more than once a week on average with information, photos, and important announcements. I will also send a weekly email with the same information. For a few weeks, I will also send a paper copy in the Friday Folder but after that I will only send paper copies if requested so please let me know if you would like to receive paper copies of the blog. Thanks!
With so much happening the first week, I may have forgot something so please don't hesitate to email or call with questions. Overall, it was a very good week and we are in the swing of things already!

Math: In math, students worked in groups to play a couple games and also to create multiple towers. We used our towers to discuss number patterns and also they will be used to decorate our math closet. Again, mathmagicians worked very well in groups this week.
Science: We spent the majority of our science time practicing making quality observations. Scientists made observations during a science experiment and also on our school playground an garden areas. A lot of our science experiences in September will include walking community field trips around our city. Please read the letter in the Friday Folder about our community experiences. In fact, next week we will already have 2 walking field experiences and students are already planning to be prepared.
Social Studies: As geographers, we looked at books about the earth and we also started our world map project. This is the first assignment for the Where in the World theme that integrates reading, writing, art, media, and geography. There is also a Where in the World packet in the Friday Folder explaining this project. The WITW project will be our focus for a most of Aug/Sept and we will celebrate with the Travel Show on Oct. 3.
Writing: In writing, writers have started their I AM poems. These poems provide an opportunity for us to learn more about each other and practice using descriptive language. The final copies will be outstanding pieces of work kids and families will be proud of.
Reading: In reading, we spent time making sure we had our materials and read a lot of read aloud picture books. Next week, we will take the STAR assessment and begin our independent reading routines.
1. Our recess/lunch time has changed to 11:55-12:45 in order to help our kindergartners move efficiently through the lunch line.
2. Please check the Friday Folder for these important notices and others:
Ecological Literacy Study with the University of Missouri - this packet requires parent permission and is part of a great partnership we created with the Architecture and Education dept. at UMC. This packet has all the information on the program and will provide us with strategies to use the fabulous Ecoschoolhouse more effectively in our curriculum.
CPBL Letter: This letter describes our Community Project Based Learning curriculum we use throughout the year as the base of our integrated science work.
WITW packet: This packet provides information and due dates for the projects involved in our Where in the World Theme.
3. This blog is the best way to stay up to date with classroom information. It is updated more than once a week on average with information, photos, and important announcements. I will also send a weekly email with the same information. For a few weeks, I will also send a paper copy in the Friday Folder but after that I will only send paper copies if requested so please let me know if you would like to receive paper copies of the blog. Thanks!
With so much happening the first week, I may have forgot something so please don't hesitate to email or call with questions. Overall, it was a very good week and we are in the swing of things already!
OUR FIRST SCIENCE EXPERIMENT (mixing dish soap with milk and food coloring to see the reaction and then discussing cleaning animals after oil spills).
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